The show is now a game! That's right each segment will be scored, scores will be tallied, and a winner will be crowned! Who scores the game? YOU DO!!
Head over to and select your winner!
AND! If you fill out a scorepad you'll be entered into a contest for a copy of Exit: The Game The Sacred Temple from Kosmos Games!
Today's segments are!
- Event Phase - She Still Loves Me! Name a game you were surprised your significant other really enjoyed!
Winner gets to VETO another player’s answer next week!
News from Kosmos Games! Tom shares the latest about upcoming titles from Kosmos including: New Exit: The Game titles, Fangs, Anno 1800, The Adventures of Robin Hood, and sooo many more!! Find more info RIGHT HERE!
- Phase 2 - Fill in the Blank
My favorite KOSMOS 2-player game is _____________.
Oh, yeah, _________?! That’s the last game I punched!
Back in the day, we played ________ a crap ton!
- Phase 3 - Fire and Ice
- Phase 4 - Lightning Round
What mobile OS game are you oddly good at?
Red Dwarf, IT Crowd, or Mr. Bean?
Do you still have Netflix? If yes, why?
Theology of Games Podcast is hosted by:
Jeremiah Isley
Scott Firestone and
AJ Skifstad
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Don't forget to enter the contest for a copy of Exit: The Game The Sacred Temple by scoring today's show at!