Listening to Mal Blum’s work is a welcome and cathartic therapy session. Juxtaposing upbeat punk riffs with harrowing and hilariously self-aware lyrics, their music is a witness to the first steps of self-betterment: identifying one’s issues and learning to become fully culpable for the outcomes. Unashamed and unabashedly, Mal Blum explores the root cause and consequences of their behavioral patterns with such stern straightforwardness, you can’t help but hold up a mirror to yourself. Their upcoming album Pity Boy, serves as the next plausible step, both sonically and thematically, moving us into a more robust sound with lyrics that explore what steps are necessary to break the holding patterns identified on the first album.
Blum’s charm lies in the skillful way they pad hefty topics with levity and cynicism, creating a completely captivating listening experience. Tune in as we talk about their upcoming album, therapy, and reality TV.
Featured Tracks: “I Don’t Want To” “Things Still Left to Say”