What if? What if...the Wizzard of the Holy-Wood, the Magicians of the Hollywood, part of the Illuminati/ Powers that may be/ call it how you want...have for decades hypnoticaly inducted the popcorn lovin’ masses to sit in a dark room Passively, watching the bright Screen, and waiting relaxed for the hero/ forces of Good to win/as allways. What if...this brainwashing and re-conditioning of our subconscious/ deep psyche was done unpurpose, so when the big moment comes (now in the form of the Plandemic), we all sit tranquilised under hypnotic trance as so many times in front of the cinema screen, waiting miracoulously for the good guys to win. What if...this re-wiring of this brain was done on purpose , so that we sit paralysed like rabbits in the headlight of a car, utterly passive and docile, waiting for the situation to fix itself without any input from our side. What if...this time, the bad guys win. Wake up call. You’re wellcome. Sweet dreams everyone, wizzards of the holy-wood on behalf of the iluminati 1 - humanity 0. Game over.