In this yuletide adventure, Brandon and Dr. Ferguson unwrap the layers of Christmas traditions, from the fascinating tales of Santa Claus's evolution to the unexpected global impact of this beloved holiday. Dr. Ferguson shares heartwarming childhood memories and the inspiration behind his research on Christmas around the world.
Discover the surprising stories behind the Christmas truce during World War I, where enemies laid down their arms and shared moments of peace and camaraderie. Delve into the diverse celebrations across the globe, from the secular festivities in Japan to the religious traditions in Russia and the unique Christmas customs in Trinidad.
Explore the commercialization paradox of Christmas, where the fear of secularization led to the creation of products aiming to preserve the religious essence of the holiday. Unpack the historical tensions between Christianity and commerce, revealing how publishers and manufacturers contributed to the commercialization while trying to combat its effects.
And, of course, no Christmas episode would be complete without sharing favorite Christmas movies and traditions.