This was a fun episode for me. I really wanted to dive deep into building a team for Real Estate as let's face it, everyone wants to build a team right? Take a look at my show notes down below and these are the actual notes and outline I used for this segment. I hope you enjoy the show
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Here were my personal notes for this podcast:
Ask yourself the 5 W’s? (who, what, where, when, why?)
What: is the “value add” of joining your team?
Where: is the direction of the brand?
When: When are you going to make time for your buyer’s agent?
Why: would YOU join your team?
Let’s dive deeper into creating a team
You need leads
That’s the first part of enticing someone to come work for you!
If I am not getting leads, then what am I doing here?
Do you have enough open houses for your entire team?
Do you have a marketing coordinator?
Do you have an operations manager?
Do you have your systems and your process down for taking new listings?
Competitive commission
Tell them my structure
Why should I give you 50% of my own deals?
Be clear about the objectives
What are you expecting of a new agent
What are ALL of the commission splits going to be?
What if I bring in my own lead? Will it still be 50/50?
Can I come to you with questions?
Will you provide ongoing training?
Can I come on listing appointments with you?
A successful track record
A road map
Lastly, show me how you are going to make ME successful!
Also, my goal is to have people on my team for 2-3 years max.