“The Scale? Save the scale for the doctor's office—How do you feel today? Are you feeling strong? Vibrant? Are you sleeping well? This is how we gauge health."
Natalie Forster is a functional dietitian, yogi, personalized health & wellness expert and owner of Revived Roots.
Before our conversation, I felt overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information and confusion surrounding nutrition these days: What diet should I subscribe to? What foods are good for eating? What does the latest research say?
In an attempt to clear the clutter around how to live a healthy life, I sat down with my nutritionist friend Natalie seeking a “back to the basics" nutrition 101 course. I figured the main topic of discussion would be diet, but little did I know that diet isn't even the first stepping stone where Natalie starts with her clients on the path to wellness!
Instead, we discuss the importance of the breath. Natalie offers tools, tips and techniques for how to breathe properly, why it's important for our health and wellness, and how it connects back to digestion. And that’s only the beginning. This dialogue was perhaps one of my most practical and informative episodes to date, and I thank Natalie for coming on and making it happen. If you’re curious about new perspectives on breathing, eating animals, juice fasts and many more topics then you’re in for a treat.
So without further adieu, inhale deeply, open your mouth wide, and feast on these nutrient-dense, knowledge-packed words of wisdom from my good friend, Natalie Forster!
Show Notes:
- Hire Natalie on her website: www.revivedroots.com
- Connect with Natalie on Instagram (@natforster_rd
- Connect with Revived Roots on Facebook, Instagram
- To learn more about Genesis, the children and family wellness group coaching program, visit Natalie’s website
Books/Resources Mentioned:
- Brynn Burns — Elemental Yoga Therapy in FTW (restorative yoga)
- Robert Boustany — Pralaya Yoga in Houston, TX (created to support joint longevity and increase energy levels by maximizing the activation of muscles, organs, and energy systems)
- Andrew Dugas — YogaBetter in Houston, TX (created to support joint longevity and increased strength through full range of motion)
- The Oxygen Advantage, Patrick McKeown
- BOLT - breath oxygen level test
- Micronutrient Testing
- The Wahls Protocol — nutrient density for mitochondria efficiency (her book: The Wahls Protocol and her cookbook, Cooking for Life)
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- Instagram: @stay.in.alive