Your correspondent reviews a recent $5/$5/$10 session in which he made several big bluffs. He also relates a story about a nitty opponent. He argues that despite occasional annoyances, live poker, especially live poker played in public games, offers opportunities (opportunities that are increasingly rare elsewhere) to engage with people whose experiences are very different from our own.
0:27 $5/$5/$10 session
0:43 QTss on KT5xxsJss6x
6:20 Double board PLO bomb pot: JT22xddx. Top board: AKQr8dd4x. Bottom board: Q93r2ss4x
8:45 JJ on A54r4ddTddd
10:34 JTss on 322ccx4xKx
12:59 KQcc on T84hhh2x3hhhh
15:09 T9dd on KQJxssQccKsss
16:30 Q6ss on 942sxx2ss5x
18:52 Thoughts on dealing with an annoying opponent
25:15 How live poker makes you engage with people who aren't like you, and why that's mostly good