The one where we do a holiday special even though it's not actually the holidays anymore and we chat about Alfred Hitchcock's cinematic masterpiece 'Rear Window'.
- How is the social context of McCarthyism reflected in Rear Window?
- How did Hitchcock make you reflect on your own voyeuristic tendencies?
- Camera Shots and Angles are arguably the most important filmic techniques that Hitchcock uses, how are they used to convey Hitchcock’s overall message in ‘Rear Window’?
- How has Hitchcock used music to ‘set the scene’ for Lisa and Jeff’s relationship?
- How has lighting been used by Hitchcock to build suspense in the film?
- Jeff gives many of his neighbours monikers that can be seen as sexist and condescending (eg. 'Miss Torso, Miss Lonelyhearts etc’). What does this convey about Jeff as a character and also the context in the 1950s?
- What do you think Hitchcock was trying to convey about marriage and gender roles during the 1950s?
End Segment: Symbols Game
Explain what is symbolic about the following symbols...
- Jeff's camera lens - Jeff's cast/broken leg - Lisa's costuming - The wedding ring - The temperature