Frank Kenny has twice been a guest on the show. This week he
graciously interviews me to discover and share the top takeaways
from Social Media Marketing World 2016, which was hosted in San
Now that Social Media Marketing World has grown to over 3,000
attendees from around the world, one might imagine it would be
difficult to get results. However, with over 200 volunteers,
hundreds of educational sessions, and many networking
opportunities, just a little planning made it possible for me to
accomplish my objectives.
The key was having a strategy and following it. And that is also
my top takeaway from the event.
Content strategy isn't sexy, but it is indeed what everyone was
talking about at this event. Listen to the audio as Frank and I
discuss ideas from dozens of presenters, including one strategy
everyone can implement:
Taking the 3% Challenge.
For detailed show notes and relevant links to useful social
media productivity tools, go to
Content Strategy: Takeaways From Social Media Marketing World