What is the internet, what does your personal experience and journey entail each and every person likely has a unique story to tell , but then on the other hand all together in unison , have been subject to its shaping and moulding - as active participants , static lurkers and misunderstood victims , each perspective being as interchangeable and as elusive the path leading toward the altruistic pursuit of knowledge the internet offered requires , the crossing of a digital bridge .. where - many have come before and some and been way laid by immersion , their journeys took a myriad of turns , some ending long before they even began , and such bridges they not only claimed as their fortress , it also became a safe haven from that prying judgmental gaze that stifles creativity and seeks to impose order , and so , many made it their home , the subsequent would be seekers now no longer had only to contend with crossing great divides in hypothetical spaces , they would also be faced with antagonists who now resided in the spaces between them and their destinations where was justice in this strange new land , although presented as blind , she is not without awareness ,and is definitely armed ,, as once before , as she tamed the spaces were people conspire to thrive , she sought to conquer and have the rule of law prevail throughout history this had repeatedly occurred without the acknowledgment of any wider audience or awareness within the victims of the totality of the shared experience , still there cries rang out the same , though they remained unknown to one another when a new territory was manifested . one without borders and established law ,masses flocked toward the new promising frontier as moths to flame ,and for a time enjoyed the freedom of expression that had long since left the ordered organized spaces within reality and this time not in silence but in chorus amassed under a banner of defiance while others watched on in confusion the internet exploded in a direction nobody could control or contain the fruits of which would fundamentally shape the future of the global online experience for everyone ever after
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