S 1 E4 focuses on the brain, mental health and spirituality. As today is Easter, we wanted to celebrate it by talking about these three predominant factors which have a huge impact on our daily lives. For the first time ever, we are featuring our first guest, Naomi Black who focuses on self-development and thereby providing online services as part of her business, perfect for those who need support at this time as we are currently facing an epidemic as well as dealing with societal matters, financial issues, family matters and mental illness: sleep paralysis.
The self-development coach is able to provide valuable advise and in this episode Naomi Black describes her experience with a higher power, bodily sensations and a wonderful poem which she has written herself.
We do provide testimonies and scientific research to you: to us is evident that thinking about a higher force i.e. God, can improve your physical and mental health. Interrupting effects of Alzheimer's disease, stress and depression.
William C. Shiel JR. MD, FACP, FACR.2016. Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and ageing brains. Https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=2516
Yenko, A.2018. Scientists locate spiritual part of the brain not necessarily activated by religion.https://www.techtimes.com/articles/229277/20180604/scientists-locate-spiritual-part-of-brain-not-necessarily-activated-by-religion.htm
Royal College of Psychiatry. 2015. Spirituality and Mental Health.
Newberg A and Waldman M. 2009. How God changes your brain: breakthrough findings from a leading neuroscientist