Arnie is a former nuclear industry executive, and engineer with more than 44 years of nuclear industry experience who became a whistleblower in 1990. Gundersen was a licensed Critical Facility Reactor Operator in the 70s Fukushima, Santa Anna, Three Mile Island, Politics, Regulators and the Fall-Out [email protected] McGill University in Montreal - Northwestern in Chicago - 1500-word Truthout article - Fairewinds staff developed a two minute animation in English, Japanese, German, and French - San Francisco in a “TED-like” format. The other speaker was Erin Brockovich - Arnie was featured in a video about steam generator vibration damage at the San Onofre nuclear power plant on the beach in California with the San Onofre reactor in the background. We changed the title of the old Beach Boys song - Videos, and reports, including our reports and analysis of the disaster at Three Mile Island, are all searchable on the Fairewinds Energy Education website. We will be in Atlanta for a screening of Power Lines, the Plant Vogtle film on March 9 & 10, as well as to talk about Fukushima now and at the end of March. Arnie will be giving a keynote for several events commemorating the events at Three Mile Island in Harrisburg and at Penn State.