I sat down with Lisa Hatlestad to begin interrogating some of the narratives around "darkness" - you know, all those deeper, messier parts of ourselves that make people squirm. We're not talking about some sanitized, Instagram-friendly version of shadow work. This is about getting real with the stuff most people would rather pretend doesn't exist.
Lisa brings the truth about her journey from trying to make herself smaller and more palatable to owning more of who she is. We dive into what it actually looks like to maintain real relationships with people who see the world completely differently than we do (hello, family dynamics), and why embracing our complexity might be exactly what we need right now.
If you've ever felt "too much," too intense, or like you need to dim your light (or your darkness!) to fit in, this conversation is for you.
We're getting real about what it means to show up authentically in a world that often prefers things neat and tidy.
Come hang out with us as we explore the magic that happens when we welcome ALL parts of ourselves to the table.
💥 Lisa said: “This is my philosophy. If we don’t understand that we have a choice, then we don’t have a choice, and to me choice is freeing.”
Website: https://lisahatlestad.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lisa.hatlestad
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisa_hatlestad/
Other delightful people & resources we mentioned:Karen Hawkwood (aka KJ Sassypants): https://karenhawkwood.com/
Betsy Kudlinski (Somatic Experiencing Practitioner): https://betsykudlinski.com/
Denise Huajardo Springer (Somatic Experiencing Practitioner): https://www.denisespringer.com/
A Mighty Kindness: https://amightykindness.org/
Francis Weller - The Wild Edge of Sorrow: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23992445-the-wild-edge-of-sorrow
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