Welcome to a special episode of Top 5 Dead or Alive hosted by Taylor Huff. In this highly anticipated installment, the team embarks on their annual guys' trip, promising a plethora of golden moments to cherish. Join Taylor and the crew as they dive into an animated debate to create the ultimate movie Hall of Fame across five categories: Horror, Action, Comedy, Animation, and Sci-Fi/Fantasy.
Witness the heated discussions and strategic picks as they each nominate and vote on their favorite films to determine the top movie in each genre. From "Puss in Boots" to "Return of the King," the team leaves no stone unturned in their quest to crown the best of the best.
With plenty of laughs, unexpected twists, and a dash of friendly rivalry, this episode is a cinematic journey you won't want to miss. Tune in and find out which movies make it to the Hall of Fame!