Impact and influence is a form of leadership with ingenuity.
How does it start?
It begins with personal leadership that evolves into societal leadership.
Personal leadership begins with your ability to confidently make decisions that are personal to you.
Don't delegate personal choices. Believe in your ability to choose for yourself.
However, this should be informed decision. Take advice from those that have gone ahead of you, but don't completely depend on their advice.
Make sure that your decision is as a result of personal conviction after contemplation and deliberation on sage advice.
Be a student. Be a researcher. Be one that can confide in people, but don't do it blindly.
Don't loose your personal leadership that has the capacity to change lives.
Don't be a follower, be a student.
Be a learner.
To the leaders now, ensure you give younger people in your industry the opportunity to do their findings.
Ask them a lot of questions. Make them think and come up with solutions.
This is how legacy is built.
When people figure things out on their own with your guidance, they become masters eventually.
However, if you spoon feed them with all the answers, they will always be dependent on your leadership.
This kind of leadership is not transgenerational.
Let us encourage more persons to make decisions on their own.
To parents, teachers, leaders, and anyone that has the privilege of giving direction.
Let us give more clues, but not the direct answers.
Let us ask questions that can stir up answers from within those that listen to you.
This is how it works. This is how we can mass produce ripple effects of leadership, impact and influence in our society and make the world a better place for ourselves and posterity.