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Hi everyone & I’m Lexi. My podcast covers my faith (Witchcraft, being a White Witch), the power of positive thinking and overcoming hardships, mental health (PTSD, Anxiety, Panic Disorder, paranoi... more
FAQs about Transformative Transcendence White Witch:How many episodes does Transformative Transcendence White Witch have?The podcast currently has 94 episodes available.
September 18, 2023Medical marijuana and low THC oilIn this podcast, I cover my experience with medical marijuana and low thc oil. This is something that gives what seemingly is amazing results to some people in need that normal medication does not work for. Unfortunately, this did not work for me and I discontinued it though. I know I’m in the minority for people that it didn’t work for....more12minPlay
September 13, 2023My affair and my adviceHi everyone and I hope you’re having a beautiful day. In this podcast, I cover an affair that occurred between me and another man and I discuss how this impacted my marriage. I also discuss some factors that caused me to have this fair there’s always two sides to every coin, but my general advice says avoid affairs....more15minPlay
July 14, 2023Gastric bypass should you do it or no goThis is my experience with gastric bypass...more19minPlay
June 28, 2023Part 2 of Trigger point injections and Spravato treatmentsI covered how both of these are amazing treatments for chronic suffers...more10minPlay
June 18, 2023Trigger point injectionsI talk about what trigger point injections are. I also talk about my experience undergoing this procedure, and I also add caution to those who are not a chronic pain from doing this...more5minPlay
May 30, 2023My experience with Spravato treatmentsThis is a very raw podcast episode. Please excuse the tears and my emotions but I talk about sparvato and how it’s starting to improve my life. I highly recommend this to anyone who has chronic anxiety or PTSD or depression....more12minPlay
May 26, 2023Binge eating disorder-how do you deal with such a complex diseaseIn this podcast episode, I really go into my own struggles with binge eating disorder, and where mine personally stem from. Why I eat, and why other peoples eat, and in excess. I hope this is helpful for some of you....more16minPlay
May 19, 2023How to support someone with bipolar disorderHi everyone and I hope you’re having a beautiful day. In this episode, I talk about having a relationship or a marriage with someone who struggles with bipolar disorder. I offer some tips that I’ve learned from my own experience, being in a relationship with someone with bipolar disorder. Know that you’re beautiful and perfect even with your flaws....more10minPlay
FAQs about Transformative Transcendence White Witch:How many episodes does Transformative Transcendence White Witch have?The podcast currently has 94 episodes available.