Triggered FM #005 - You no clean and bare mates
‘Brexit all the way’
(Also available on Apple Podcasts and Soundcloud)
Welcome to the terror dome as we embark upon our biggest, most action-packed podcast to date.
Upcoming shows:
27/05/2019 - Manchester: The Peer Hat
07/06/2019 - Leeds: Fox & Newt
14/06/2019 - Bradford: Underground
23/06/2019 - Middlesbrough: Heelapalooza
28/06/2019 - Nottingham: JT SOAR
20/07/2019 - Sheffield: Tramlines
Links of note
This Is What Ignorance Does (Music Videos)
Featured friends:
St. Pierre Snake Invasion
Rabea Massad
The Marble Arches
Blazer Boccle
Memory of Elephants
Cheeky mentions:
The Guts, Profiler, Lung Money, Failed Psychics, Veritas Promotions & Tech Noir, Bad Owl, Linsey & Dan Saxon, Eve Massad, Elevation, Will ‘Rad’ Cook, The Soap Girls, EGO, I Feel Fine, Grieving, What? Nah!, Rise Wrestling