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Triggered FM #008 - Novamber & Python
'We've never mentioned Nova Hands on this podcast'
Having guests is a privilege you shouldn't take for granted, so we don't. Joined by Tom and Mike from Nova Hands, we discuss and play a few tracks off their weekly release campaign - 'Novamber', discuss Python and riff the trials and tribulations of releasing to deadlines.
Hear all of Nova Hands' music at:
Triggered FM #007 - Baddest Behaviour & B00 H00
'Won't get none of your CDs back'
Turns out podcasting on the regular when you're all irregular is hard. Enough excuses, here's a podcast.
Featured friends:
Veritas Promotions
The Guru Guru
Triggered FM #006 - Sickness and Gear
(Also available on Apple Podcasts and Soundcloud)
Morbid, mellow and morose. After a rough few months, TT take the time to reflect on their shortcomings.
Upcoming shows:
03/08/2019 - Leeds: The Key Club
10/08/2019 - Sheffield: Hatch
11/08/2019 - Bristol: The Crofter’s Rights
Featured friends:
Triggered FM #005 - You no clean and bare mates
‘Brexit all the way’
(Also available on Apple Podcasts and Soundcloud)
Welcome to the terror dome as we embark upon our biggest, most action-packed podcast to date.
Upcoming shows:
27/05/2019 - Manchester: The Peer Hat
07/06/2019 - Leeds: Fox & Newt
14/06/2019 - Bradford: Underground
23/06/2019 - Middlesbrough: Heelapalooza
28/06/2019 - Nottingham: JT SOAR
20/07/2019 - Sheffield: Tramlines
Links of note
This Is What Ignorance Does (Music Videos)
Featured friends:
St. Pierre Snake Invasion
Rabea Massad
The Marble Arches
Blazer Boccle
Memory of Elephants
Cheeky mentions:
The Guts, Profiler, Lung Money, Failed Psychics, Veritas Promotions & Tech Noir, Bad Owl, Linsey & Dan Saxon, Eve Massad, Elevation, Will ‘Rad’ Cook, The Soap Girls, EGO, I Feel Fine, Grieving, What? Nah!, Rise Wrestling
Triggered FM #004 - Strangeforms & Embargo
‘I wish he was here’
(Also available on Facebook, Youtube and Soundcloud)
Gather round in Trigger Town as we simplify Strangeforms, pick apart Embargo and generally waste your time.
Upcoming shows:
22/04/2019 - Bristol: Crofters Rights
25/04/2019 - Huddersfield: Louie’s Liquor Store
27/04/2019 - Manchester: The Peer Hat
23/06/2019 - Middlesbrough: Heelapalooza
20/07/2019 - Sheffield: Tramlines
Links of note
Strangeforms Ticket
Indoor Falconry - Blog post
Featured friends:
Nova Hands (obviously)
Body Hound
Tall Talker
Cheeky mentions:
The Guts, Profiler, Lung Money, Failed Psychics, Bad Knaves, Svalbard, Boss Keloid, And So I Watch You From Afar, A. A. Williams, Veritas Promotions & Tech Noir
Triggered FM #003 - Indoor Falconry and The Bristol Trilogy
'RIP K.F.'
(Also available on Facebook, Youtube and Soundcloud)
Tag along with the tickle-tastic Trigger Thumb as they reflect on last night's show at the LS6 Café, skirt around suicide whilst talking about skirting around suicide and fanboy over our friends - yes, plural.
Upcoming shows:
12/03/2019 - Manchester: Soeur live at Soup Kitchen
23/03/2019 - Bradford: Alzheimers Benefit Gig w/ CPSD, Trigger Thumb, Ali Izrail + more
Featured friends:
No Violet
Blank Atlas
Cheeky mentions:
Veritas Promotions, Things Tame, Gamblers, Three Day Millionaires, LS6 Café, Contrarians, a-tota-so, Acid Hat Presents, Nova Hands (again), Honća Illustration, Let's Swim, Get Swimming
Triggered FM #002 - Terrorism, Wolves & Nova Hands
'Citizenship's no longer a birthright'
Join your friendly neighbourhood Trigger Thumb as they forget to mention Gamblers at their upcoming show, gush over their friends, talk coyly about the subtle political themes in Wolves and how it was recorded.
This month’s featured friend is Nova Hands.
Triggered FM #001 - WELCOME, Love Me & Wibsey
‘Brown man flying a plane’
WELCOME to Triggered FM - the only show worth ignoring! Broadcasting everywhere but radio.
Feeling accomplished after completing a year’s worth of monthly releases, (Triggered Tuesday), we thought we’d attempt a podcast, something we have no idea how to do.
Join us, or don’t, as we attempt to unpack the past, pick apart the present and pray for the future.
Sonia Vegan Chef (Bread and Roses)
The podcast currently has 8 episodes available.