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The Season Finale of Two Absolute Bookends – Chapter 30 of the way the Stars Fall: Rebirth.
Back on the tranquillity, Sans Hollister and with a Popsicle alien Tona, Jack has a mental breakdown, fails to go through a wormhole, cries, destroys the Rokarii Fleet then passes out. Waking up in the infirmary, he spends the rest of the chapter musing on his situation, getting ammo from Tiberius who for some reason lets the tranquillity go, then leads his ship off into the emptiness of space following a very uninspiring speech. And that is how part one of the trilogy ends ladies and gentlemen.
This is a marathon episode of the kind not seen since the Sonic High School Saga. Not only do we go through this chapter, we go through the book as a whole, the characters, plot points we had trouble with and of course, tallied up the chuckles once and for all. If you wanted a comprehensive review of the book as a whole, as comprised by autists who have spent the last year reading through and talking about it, this week we’ve got you sorted. While we still have our moments, this is probably the longest we’ve stayed mostly on topic in the history of the podcast.
This fucking stupid idea was born in late summer 2016, it is now nearing the end of 2018 as I upload this episode. As you can probably tell from the fact I only managed to upload 9 of the 42 episode in 2018, life and somewhat dwindling passion was beginning to get in the way of this project, but frankly I’m still impressed we didn’t get bored after the first 3. My thanks to Louis for joining me on this quixotic journey, I hope he enjoyed himself as much as I did recording them, and wasn’t just doing it out of a fear I’d hang myself if the project was left unfinished. Hopefully one day when we’ve recharged our batteries he’ll get back upon Rocinante with me and we’ll find another abortion of literature to laugh at.
Finally I’d like to thank Lewis Stockton, Jim Theas and whoever the crazy diamond that wrote Sonic High School was. We may not have enjoyed your writings in the way you intended, but enjoy them we did, I hope that can make you happy in some small way and that you learnt from the process of writing these books to write something better in the future.
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