Fear not thy Corona Virus, for thou solution is hereth!!
Though they've been a tad quiet during the Apocalypse, sorting out their sock drawers, all you need to do is put your trust in the Libertarians!
Stay tuned for the next episode of Two Pubsters Solve the Apocalypse, coming soon! We told you there was an Apocalypse. Huh? Didn't we?
Visit Twopubsters.com or your local podcatcher for back episodes.
And stay safe, distant, and aware of this damned invisible bug because it's causing terrible, heart-wrenching damage to so many.
Call the Libertarians
If your house is burning down
And there ain’t no fireman around
Call the Libertarians
If your drowning in your pool
Don't be a nanny-state fool
Call the Libertarians
If this virus has your ass
And you haven’t got a mask
Call the Libertarians
In Ayn Rand we trust.
If you catch a bad disease
And your doctor wants his fees
Call the Libertarians
If a burning stack of tires
Starts your waterway on fire
Call the Libertarians
If your government takes
your Medicare
If a crack house
abuts your lair
If you often
can’t explain
Just how you got your
shit for brains
In Ayn Rand we trust.
In Ayn Rand we trust!!!