Let's keep it simple. This is the 2023 Essen Top 10 Most Anticipated Games episode, the games that we're most excited for, many of which we'll play in 2024.
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Read Tony's blog: https://boardgamegeek.com/user/maxlongstreet/blogs
Thanks to God Street Wine for our intro and outro music: https://www.facebook.com/GodStreetWine/
00:01:34 Forest Shuffle
00:01:49 Pioneer Rails, WIld Tiled West
00:05:34 Tucana: Builders
00:05:49 Santa Maria, The Magnificent, Revive, Trails of Tucana
00:06:59 Karuba
00:27:33 Aldebaran: Duel
00:09:55 Splendor: Duel
00:10:00 Ancient Knowledge
00:11:34 Celtae
00:12:11 Tabannusi
00:12:46 Apiary
00:14:37 Sankore
00:15:53 Teotihuacan, Tekhenu
00:16:15 Rats of Wistar
00:18:00 Apiary
00:18:55 A.R.T. Society
00:19:25 Modern Art, High Society
00:20:35 Pirates of Maracaibo, Orleans: Joan of Arc: Draw and Write,
00:23:13 Evacuation
00:23:29 Woodcraft, Messina: 1347
00:24:41 Kutna Hora
00:26:51 Nucleum
00:27:40 Evacuation
00:29:00 Age of Innovation, Terra Mystica, Gaia Project
00:30:38 Civolution
00:31:51 Planta Nurbo, Planta Nubo
00:32:36 Uh you mean Michael Kiesling? Azul, Heaven & Ale, A Feast for Odin, Agricola, La Granja, Cooper Island
00:33:45 Nucleum, Barrage, Brass
00:35:51 Tangram City
00:36:13 World Wonders
00:38:47 My City
00:40:22 Gaia Project, A Feast for Odin, Carpe Diem
00:43:10 Patterns: A Mandala Game, Mandala
00:45:00 Arborea, Septima, The White Castle
00:45:13 The Hunt
00:45:58 Forest Shuffle, Three Ring Circus
00:46:10 Weimar: The Fight for Democracy, Watergate, Twilight Struggle
00:46:43 Kutna Hora
00:46:50 Skyteam
00:47:25 Bamboo
00:48:04 Pampero
00:48:25 Books of Time
00:48:35 Tekhenu, Tabannusi
00:48:44 Founders of Teotihuacan
00:49:15 Neotopia
00:50:18 Artemis Project
00:51:18 Nidavellier, Mstery of the Abby
00:51:24 Zoo Tycoon, NY Zoo
00:51:54 Tangram City
00:53:02 Bonsai
00:53:42 Emerge
00:54:29 Evenfall
00:55:38 Kelp
00:56:36 Amristar
00:57:44 Stressbotics
00:58:36 Sea Dragons
00:59:36 Barcelona
01:00:14 Lisboa