Stunning upsets in Kentucky and Virginia, they are blue/purple. While a Democrat took the top post in Kentucky, other statewide offices went Republican; they either really hated the incumbent Governor OR they are truly bipartisan? We shall see if they move out Mitch in 2020. In Virginia though, it was clear that the state was sick of the GOP and sent some packing and took control of all levels of state government. TwonTalks just wants America to thrive, we respect free speech and even invite anyone on to talk substance.
We also delve into a 37-18 victory for the Dallas Cowboys over the New York Giants. Twon questions whether or not this revival is a sign of a changing tide or not. Twon believes the talent is not the question but the Head Coach's leadership. TwonTalks Sports Analyst/Director Mano Norman discusses his view of our future and how winning can happen. D'sjoir, Twon & Mano also discusses NYG O-lineman Will Hernandez's antagnization of the Cowboys Defense during MNF as well. Join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @TwonTalks.