Welcome to Tim's Grateful Eight. This is a weekly list of things and experiences for which I am super grateful. They might be simple, beautiful things like a sunrise or a smile from a stranger. Or they might be curated resources that have been helpful to me, like a really good book or podcast.
Links to cool stuff off of the list:
Podcast: Esther’s Universe
Here is her website, where you can find out all about her podcast and other cool things she is up to: Esther’s Universe.
Eric Pierce and his Friday High Five
“Every Friday I share 5 things that brought me joy this week. Also, high fives are inherently cool, and I think we can all agree Friday is the bestest day. Hence the Friday High Five. 🙏🏻” — Eric Pierce, All the Fanfare
The link for All the Fanfare
And don't forget to take a look at my site - Ubiquity!
Presence, zen. Health, fitness. Mental, spiritual. Imaginary, real. This is the nexus. Link to Ubiquity