Welcome one and all to our new series! THE CORE10. At the University of Calgary, all engineers must take the 10 first-year courses before going into their majors. This series looks at understanding the insides of each of the courses and the professor's intention behind the courses.
In this first episode of the CORE10 series, we introduce Engg 233: Computing for Engineers, with Dr. Mohammad Moshirpour, an instructor in the department of computer and electrical engineering at Schulich, Engg 233 course coordinator, and flipped classroom enthusiast. Aside from discussing the unique structure of the course, final project and the challenges encountered switching from Java-based language Processing to Python, he also talked about the importance of programming for all engineering majors and leading Schulich Ignite, a club that teaches Introductory programming to high school students and strives to bridge accessibility gap for students across the city. Dr.Moshirpour also tackled the topic of engineering education, the book he is writing, and how to manage workload and stress in first year.