Imagine the life of Jeannette Ciaramella as a finished puzzle with hundreds of pieces. The pieces are all connected and where they belong, forming a beautiful picture of her kindness, love, friendship, and family. When she disappeared, that puzzle was smashed, and the pieces were scattered around to every place she had ever stepped foot and distributed to every person to ever cross paths with her in any way. The pieces alone seem worthless until they are brought to light, shared, and collected to be put back together. I believe that some of you may hold those pieces to Jeannette’s puzzle. There isn’t a single piece of information out there about Jeannette that is too insignificant to share. You may know something that seems like nothing, you may know something that you assume everyone knows, you may know something that may not even have anything to do with Jeannette at first glance, but those pieces might just be the last few that investigators are still missing -and they need them in order to put this case back together.
In this episode, we hear from Jeannette’s boyfriend at the time of her disappearance – Marcus Lee, and we start from the beginning of where her puzzle all fell apart.
Full show notes for this episode, including photos and source links can be found here: