A text transcription of this episode can be found here.
Me, Zeke Reineccius as the DM and various characters. You can find me on twitter at @sarikvaster
Dirk was played by Duke Harrist. You can find him on instagram and twitter @josiahduke
Oliver was played by John. You can find him on twitter @jomiba22
Fionn was play by Steve Reineccius. You can find him on twitter @stevereineccius
Usna was voiced by Jennifer Bradley. You can find her on twitter @justJBrad
You can contact any of us at [email protected] or @Different_Stars on twitter.
Opening and Closing Music by Aaron Catano-Saez
Music from https://filmmusic.io
"White Lotus" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Attribution 3.0
morning in town.wav by Inchadney
Another Crowd by unfa
Crowds 01.wav by tim.kahn
walking_on_gravel.wav by ProfMcKay
wagon cart on gravel by Mrtineerok at
chaise_glisse14.wav by MaxDemianAGL
Drag book by manuelaurreaf
Footsteps, Stones, A.wav by InspectorJ
Vinyard Walk.wav by digifishmusic
walking on a dusty road.wav by tec_studio
Horse_Walking_By_In_Dirt 01.wav n_audioman
2013EarlyMorningBirds.WAV by Naeroon
Noisy Neighbors Real.wav by Kevinflo
Thwutsaw.wav by metamorphmuses
Ambience, Wind Chimes, A.wav by Inspector J
Students-chatting-amb.wav by HeraclitoPD
crowd chattering students univeristy loud.aif by bpayri