On this Episode of Under The Avocado Tree, Dr. Tom O'Bryan. Dr. Tom holds teaching faculty positions with The Institute for Functional Medicine and the National University of Health Sciences. His 2016 groundbreaking book, The Autoimmune Fix, won the National Book Award and ranked first in several categories on Amazon. The book outlines the step-by-step development of degenerative diseases and gives us the tools to identify our disease process years before the symptoms are obvious. He is the main driving force behind the The Betrayal Series, where he tackles the Autoimmune Solution that has been kept from so many that are suffering. Dr. O’Bryan is founder of theDr.com and the visionary behind The Gluten Summit: A Grain of Truth, which brings together 29 of the world’s experts on the gluten connection to diseases, disorders, and a wide range of symptoms. You can find out more at TheGlutenSummit.com.
On this Podcast,
✔ A new strategy for increasing microbiome diversity
✔New Vitamin D3 Discoveries relating to Cytokine Storms
✔The Immune System and It's Armies and their reliance on GUT SIGNALING
✔Long Term Transformation Done 1 Hour A Week
✔ Wisdom of the Masters Regarding COVID19 and OUR FUTURE
Tune in NOW!!! As there is critical decision making information presented here.
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