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FAQs about Under the Juniper Tree:How many episodes does Under the Juniper Tree have?The podcast currently has 272 episodes available.
March 06, 2025“Why do We Suffer? The Problems of Life” (Under the Juniper Tree S21E4)Host: Andrew Crowe | Released Thursday, March 6, 2024 In this episode, Andrew discusses how the problems of life could lead to depression or other mental health issues. Then, he looks to an example of the early church in one of their problems to give some pointers of what the modern Christian might do to […]...more23minPlay
February 13, 2025“Dangers of ADHD: Tardiness” (Under the Juniper Tree S21E3)Host: Andrew Crowe | Released Thursday, February 13, 2024 There are a variety of dangers in dealing with ADHD. One of them is the act of tardiness. “Time blindness” is a major problem in the life of a person with ADHD and can endanger a variety of different relationship. Andrew addressed the issue and briefly […]...more15minPlay
January 30, 2025“Review: Encouragement for the Depressed by Charles Spurgeon” (Under the Juniper Tree S21E2)Host: Andrew Crowe | Released Friday, January 30, 2024 Charles Spurgeon is commonly called the “prince of preachers” for his abilities in the pulpit. What some do not know is Spurgeon suffered from depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress. As such, Spurgeon preached two sermons later compiled into a book “Encouragement for the Depressed.” Andrew reviews […]...more12minPlay
January 24, 2025“Why Do We Suffer? Conditioning” (Under The Juniper Tree S21E1)Host: Andrew Crowe | Released Friday, January 24, 2024 When Andrew first started the podcast, he discussed some of the reasons why we suffer from mental illness. In this episode, he discusses another reason. We have been conditioned by the examples of other or the experiences faced. Verses Used: Rev.22:1-5; Pro. 29:15; Jude 23; Joel […]...more25minPlay
December 19, 2024“Review: ADHD Explained by Dr. Edward Hallowell” (Under The Juniper Tree S20E9)Host: Andrew Crowe | Released Thursday, December 19, 2024 Today, Andrew reviews a secular book. Yes, a secular book. ADHD Explained by Dr. Edward Hallowell does an excellent job describing ADHD, its positives and negatives, and also some of the pitfalls the person with ADHD might fall into. Andrew does his best to daily review […]...more20minPlay
November 28, 2024“Can We Stop Stereotyping ADHD?” (Under the Juniper Tree S20E8)Host: Andrew Crowe | Released Thursday, November 28, 2024 Far too often, those dealing with mental health issues are stereotyped by those around them. Those with ADHD are no different. In today’s episode, Andrew focuses on the stereotypes most often held by those with ADHD and the facts behind the myths. Scriptures used: Prov. 18:13, […]...more17minPlay
November 21, 2024“Smiling Depression – Proverbs 14:13” (Under the Juniper Tree S20E7)Host: Andrew Crowe | Released Thursday, November 21, 2024 There is a type of depression called “Smiling Depression.” It is a depression which outwardly makes it seem like a person is okay but inwardly, that one is suffering. Proverbs 14:13 reminds of the need to check up on people who seem to be suffering, even […]...more9minPlay
November 14, 2024“After The Election: Part 2” (Under the Juniper Tree S20 E6)Host: Andrew Crowe | Released Thursday, November 14, 2024 Last week, certain facts were discussed to help ease the mind of Christians. Now, Andrew turns to the duty Christians have regardless of what happens during the election process. We want to hear from you! Subscription Links...more22minPlay
November 07, 2024“After The Election: Part 1” (Under The Juniper Tree S20E5)Host: Andrew Crowe | Released Thursday, November 7, 2024 After the election is over, one might feel some anxiety. Andrew’s hope is to remind us of important facts concerning Christianity. We want to hear from you! Subscription Links...more14minPlay
October 24, 2024“Do Not Isolate” (Under the Juniper Tree S20E4)Host: Andrew Crowe | Released Thursday, October 24, 2024 We often might think that isolating is the best thing for us to do when facing mental problems. While that is helpful when one is physically sick, it is not so for those with certain mental illnesses. We want to hear from you! Subscription Links...more14minPlay
FAQs about Under the Juniper Tree:How many episodes does Under the Juniper Tree have?The podcast currently has 272 episodes available.