"We must own the whole story." How a former residential school worker wrestles with his past and how his story challenges all of us beyond our good intentions. Powerful listening for all settlers on this land we call Canada.
Transcription can be found here.
National Indian Residential School Crisis Line: 1-866-925-4419.
Kid’s Help Phone line 24/7: 1-800-668-6868
Merle Nisly’s reaction to the uncovering of 215 Indigenous children in Kamloops. https://mnisly.com/the-impact-of-215/
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation resource:
Justice Sinclair: “TRC One Year Later”
“Change may not look like what you thought it would”
CBC - news: “Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report”
Some history of Northern Light Gospel Missions and Poplar Hill
Canadian Mennonite series: https://canadianmennonite.org/articles/how-complicit-are-mennonites-residential-school-abuse
“A first step towards healing” - Personal reflection on the first TRC event (June 2010)
“MC Canada shares the pain of Indian Residential School legacy” - A report on discussions at MC Canada Assembly 2010 https://canadianmennonite.org/articles/mc-canada-shares-pain-indian-residential-school-legacy
Mixed by Francois Goudrealt of Hello Francy Sound and Music
Production Research by Seun Olowo-Ake
Original music by Brian MacMillan