To mark the International Day of the Girl on October 11th, this episode highlights how migration of adolescent girls increases their vulnerability towards GBV. Migration routes are notoriously dangerous for adolescent girls. Many are fleeing violence and abuse or are trafficked, which only increases their vulnerability to violence and exploitation. They face specific risks related to gender-based violence before, during and after migration. Leaving home may not be the escape they hoped for, as they continue to be at risk in countries of transit and arrival when they arrive in Europe. To shed a light on the situation of girls, UNICEF published Analysis on unaccompanied and separated girls titled “Making the Invisible Visible: the identification of unaccompanied and separated girls in Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Serbia”. This report highlights how lack of understanding on gender dynamics and needs, and appropriate identification and support systems is making girls ‘invisible’ and thus, hindering their access to rights and services, and leaving them at further risk of abuse, exploitation and violence.
Related resources:
- Making the ‘Invisible’ visible, Analysis Note
- Making the ‘Invisible’ visible video
- Pocket Guide to support the design, implementation and evaluation of a girls’ empowerment program with a focus on Serbia and Bulgaria
- Webinar on the Analysis