Episode Notes
Solo episode… JUSTICE FOR BREONNA TAYLOR!!! I shout out some amazing unicorns whose work I’ve been looking at lately. A free form/ free flow episode.
Madelyn Sneed- Grays @arkworkbymadelyn
Wesley Taylor @wesleytaylor
Khari McClelland @igobykhari
Darryl DeAngelo Terrel @blkboyshine (website: darryldterrell.com)
Terry @trashcanterry
Daisy @daizydoodles
Afro Kickz @afrokickz
Lewy V @lewy_v
Jordan M. Rhodes @jmr_art
IG @unicornsarerealpodcast
Unicorns Are Real is art. We are two quirky like-minded, yet very different young adult females (Asia aka Ms. Dobbins and Erin) exploring ALL aspects of art. A Unicorn is a creator--a one of a kind individual--with the compassion to create for oneself. Our conversations will be with some of the most poppin’, upcoming, and flyest Unicorns.