This episode is about the so called "Final Boss" of spirituality. This is the part of the journey where the mind turns stops turning its attention outwards upon the world or "upwards" seeking ever loftier spiritual experiences and states, and returns to its final resting place. Here. Now. And here in this Holy Instant the self must finally face its shadow, the cesspool of denial separation and distraction, that VERY same part of you that drove you to seek out spiritual growth in the first place. The ego. Until this darkness is conquered the journey will never feel complete. But the way this monster is slain is not through more hatred and denial, but complete acceptance and understanding. What lies beyond the veil of split self/other perception is peace impossible to describe, but thankfully, it needs no description, since it is only a decision away. Forgive yourself. Forgive yourself every erroneous perception you have ever had about the world, experience and other people, and your and every insane need you have felt for these forms to satisfy and unconditionally love you. Nothing in the world has the power to GIVE you love, any moment of such joy in your experience has been just a temporary dropping of your guard in the presence of some prized person or object to reveal the love that already resides within as your truest self. How will you know when you are done? When the mind stops seeking, stops adjusting and manipulating and fighting to make the world, other people, and most importantly You (itself) conform to the image it thinks they ought to be, and is able to look lovingly upon all these things of the 3rd dimensional experience and accept them as they are. You are as close to this decision as you have ever been. The journey has no distance, the goal has never changed. The entire path has always been leading you back to this one decision. Love or fear. Acceptance or judgment. Separation or unity. Can you, and will you, forgive yourself?