In this episode, Lyn interviews Dawn Renee who shares a story of how she became bedridden and unable to walk for 30 days. From an early age, Dawn had struggled with a wide variety of health issues but in 2010 her body forced her to stop and she spent 30 days in bed learning to listening to her mind, body, and spirit.
Dawn also shares about being a caregiver and what she learned from taking care of a woman named Ann with ALS for 7 years. Dawn's message is one of learning to find joy in your life and take care of yourself.
About Dawn:
Dawn Renee, Minister and co-Founder is an energy doula and holistic caregiver who struggled most of her life to understand the triggers and internal misalignments in her body, mind and spriit that were causing her to experience a system collapse (migraines, allergies, endometriosis, autoimmune disorder, Diabetes II, Lyme, Epstein bar, mold exposure, gallstones and chronic fatigue).
She found herself bedridden for 30 days in 2010. When she was able to recover and stand again it became her soul’s mission to share her message of love, spirit, miracle healing and how becoming a caregiver of herself showed her a new path to living in joy and ultimately how to unleash her own healing potential.
She was a live-in caregiver caring for a friend with stage 4 ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Scloerosis (aka Lou Gherig’s disease). Her friend was told she would not make it a week let alone 6 months, she was bedridden, paralyzed from the neck down, on a ventilator, feeding tube, catheter requiring 24/7 care and support.
With a holistic and spiritual approach the moments of now became the focus and she lived for 7 more years finding joyful moments every step of the way as she unleashed her healing potential.
As a lead singer in Dawn Loves Nash, a husband and wife duo, who are now traveling America expressing their messages of hope, love and faith with their music. Both on a mission to inspire others to tap into their gifts and super powers. They have witnessed first hand how music has transformed spirit and healing potential for themselves and others.
FREE DOWNLOAD: 7 Top Self Care Activities to activating joy in your days!
FREE DOWNLOAD: Free 21 Day Vegetable only recipes (No dairy, sugar, gluten, oil, processed foods! Highlights Recipes good for elimination diet, resetting and cleansing with vegetables, plant based detox) (NOTE: MAIN FOCUS IS TO DO THE VEGETABLE RECIPES, MASTER CLEANSE IS (OPTIONAL)
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Facebook @travelingcaregivers
Instagram @travelingcaregivers