On this, the first part of our special phone-a-friend episode, we are joined by our friends Amanda, Josh, Rick, and James, who help us tell the story of international superspy Holden Freeman. This one was a blast to record, and is utterly ridiculous. We hope you enjoy it.
Our theme music is the song “Hello Sun”, by the amazing Tara Watts. You can find her music at https://tarawattsmusic.bandcamp.com and we really do suggest that you check it out.
Special thanks go out to AO Marketing (https://aomktg.com) for hosting this podcast, and assisting with the website.
And a huge thank you to enyone who joined us!
Unprepared Storytelling can be found on the web at https://unpreparedstorytelling.com and on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook as @unstorytelling.
Tiffany is @imtiffanywolter on Twitter and Instagram, and Jay is @loscornballer.
As always, roll for initiative, and be unprepared.