Who’s Holding Down The Fort? Airdate 05/16/20
Who is essential? Who is absolutely necessary? They are the People who make our towns and cities run, the faithful brace of health care workers, the transit workers who take us where we need to go, the grocery store checkout clerks, those who mind the malls, the diner, those we ask into our homes to fix our plumbing, the factory and plant workers who spend more time together than they do with their own families, those who are forced to choose between keeping their jobs and protecting their health. They are the people who live paycheck to paycheck and are not getting one, who are on unemployment and food stamps for the first time in their lives, households who are pushed into bankruptcy. They are the immigrant population, people of color who are most at risk, people who played by the rules, who worked regular jobs, paid their taxes, and now are one of thirty million who are out of a job because of a crisis no fault of their own, They are the people we put in harms way to serve us, who don’t want to contaminate the community they serve, and who don’t want to be contaminated. They are the people who call us to answer the question, how much is life worth in our society? Join US World Report Radio as our team takes on these questions in one of the most perilous times in our nation’s history.