Tara Powers is a global thought leader on remote work and international best-selling author. She serves as CEO of Virtual Teams School (https://virtualteamschool.com/) and well as CEO of Power Resource LLC (https://powersresourcecenter.com/). She authored the book “Virtual Teams for Dummies” and her latest book, “Working From Home For Dummies” is being released this year - so stay tuned!At this year’s USDLA national conference, Ms. Powers will offer a presentation titled “How Remote Workers Can Collaborate, Communicate & Connect”. People aren’t just learning from afar; they are working that way too. Today, half of U.S. workers work remotely at least part time. Through her USDLA conference session, Tara will teach you how to collaborate, communicate, connect, and navigate technology to succeed in this transformative workplace shift to virtual work.In this podcast episode, Ms. Powers provides keen insights into key aspects leading to success in virtual teams, including strategies for onboarding remote workers, types of team assessments to use and the ideal timing of their administration, construction of effective team agreements, and much more. To participate in Tara’s presentation, please join us at this year's July 21 to 24 virtual conference by registering at usdla.org.In our next episode, we'll be joined by Dr. Shana Garrett, an authentic higher-ed leader and author of the Pure Heart Leadership approach. Dr. Garrett will preface her USDLA conference presentation by sharing a few soundbites about how Pure Heart Leadership can be helpful to you.