Dolphins and Reindeer and Jaguars - Oh My!
This week, we take a look at animals deliberately using all manner of substances to get high, and how ancient humans may have stumbled across some of our favourite intoxicants by watching our animal friends party.
As I mention in the episode, there are all manner of animals getting up to all manner of mischief - more examples than I have time to talk about this week.
So, if you're interested in finding out more, I've included references and links mentioned in the episode below!
Australian Geographic Article
Dolphins: Spy in the Pod (footage of dolphins using puffers to get high)
Andy Letcher’s Blog
Lewin, Louis (1890) Phantastica: A Classic Survey on the Use and Abuse of Mind-Altering Plants (booktopia link)
Jaguars tripping on Ayahuasca
Signifying Animals edited by Fellow in Social Anthropology Roy Willis, Ph.D. (1990)
Theme Music - Dub Eastern Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License