No Worries!
“A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work” John Lubbock
1) Worry is a choice
Mt 6:25
Ps 42:5 NKJV & AMP
Mr6: 25-33
2) Worry is a spiritual weapon
Heb 11:1
Mt 8:25-27
Mt 6:31
Pr 18:21
Our language is a creative force - and therefore a weapon
3) Worry requires a countermeasure
“We don’t need to eliminate fear. We just need something bigger than fear. We need true peace…I’d like to suggest an under-recognized but highly effective source of peace: PRAYER” Chad Veach
Mt 8: 9,10,13
Ps 62:8
4) Jesus’ worry-free strategy
Mt 6:31-33 NKJV & TPT
Mt 6:8-13