Today’s episode is an open invitation to you to reclaim control over your life. I am talking about putting yourself on the list, and showing up for you. Are you ready to get off the Corona Coaster? To ditch the idea that you can have your work, or your family, but you can’t have both? It has been a stressful, overwhelming last 4 months for moms, and in particular, working moms. It’s about to get dicey again with the back to school transition. Virtual school, hybrid school, homeschool - all of it comes with uncertainty and overwhelm. How much easier would it be to tackle these challenges with a group of like minded, supportive women to share best practices and encouragement, and a trusted guide by your side?
Over the past 12 weeks, I have had the honor of coaching 11 women in a small group, high touch program called Aligned & Balanced. It has been life changing for me to watch them transform their lives. Not because I have any answers. Not because there is a secret system that’s one size fits all. Not because it’s easy. But because each member was willing to show up for herself, reflect inward, dream outward, and support and encourage each member of the group without judgment.
We are facing another gigantic transition in our work and family lives with school starting back for many of us in August. Some believe it’s the official death of the working mom, but I beg to differ. Aligned & Balanced offers a positive and uplifting program trusting your intuition, developing new systems that help you get more out of your day, and setting new boundaries to stay focused on what matters most to you.
I am now opening a NEW 4 week Aligned & Balanced small coaching group program to meet your needs. Only 12 spots will be available - first come, first served. We will meet via Zoom 1 hour per week (all calls will be recorded), you will receive specially curated course materials to work on at your convenience, and you will be a part of a private Facebook community for encouragement and support. Topics will include: Demystifying Work/Life Balance (sshh! It never really existed and 2020 is truly the death of it!), How to Get More Out of Your Day, Finding Your Purpose, Give Yourself a Little Grace, Consistent Self Care = A Healthier Lifestyle, Letting Go of Pleasing People, and so much more!
Don’t take my word for it! Here is what current Aligned & Balanced small group members are saying…
“The Aligned and Balanced small group coaching program has been a very challenging yet rewarding program. Andrea’s coaching and course work materials have helped me take a deep dive into key areas of my business and personal life. The small group community is an amazing way to be real and to learn and grow with like minded women. I highly recommend Andrea’s coaching for anyone looking to grow in their personal and professional lives.
“Working with Andrea has been an absolute revelation! Her skills as a leader are evident during each group meeting. She always captures each member’s sentiments, concerns and brings it full circle by validating our feelings and asking us how we’re going to handle going forward.”
-Jen H.
“Prior to starting the Aligned & Balanced small group coaching program, I was adrift. I was going in so many different directions and accomplishing very little in my personal life. Business had taken over! There was no joy. Being a part of our small group has helped me realize that self-care is imperative to personal success. And, without personal success (in my case, making the time for self-care throughout the day), all the success in business means nothing.
In speaking with Andrea one-on-one, I realized with her help that I was truly “empty”. I had lost sight of “me”. I was just going through the motions. Now, I stand firm in my resolve to take care of myself—physically, mentally, spiritually. Tiny steps taken every day over the course of the last couple of weeks have truly led to big results!”
-Tammy B.
“Andrea has found her calling...she is an amazing coach who has helped me in both group and personalized sessions learn how to put myself back on my priority list and helped guide me through some complex issues in my professional life in a corporate setting. Her approach is tailored to what you need. The group sessions have been rewarding as well. Hearing from other women, from various backgrounds, has been so meaningful. It’s made me realize I’m not alone in the struggle to achieve work-life balance.”
-Jen K.
Email me at [email protected] to get started on your own journey. Aligned & Balanced is designed to be a 12 week coaching program, with a minimum 4 week commitment to begin. We will begin the week of August 10. I can’t wait to chat with you!
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