Yes, what have we learned?
One thing that is predictable about humans is that because of our drive to be successful, we tend to forget or minimize the lesson of history so quickly.
There are many things that we should have learned in the COVID period, but there is clearly one that stands out.
And that is there is the fact of the invisible world that surrounds us that is inhabited by spirits.
And we should have learned or affirm our belief that God is indeed Spirit. And if we want to know more about ourselves and our in the world, we must acknowledge the existence of God.
And because of the evidence based philosophy, we tend to leave God out of our discussion because God is mystery.
But God has not hidden Himself from us. All things that may be known about God are clearly seen in the things He has made.
When COVID came into the world population, not even the most intelligent scientist, researcher had an answer to it.
Even now the answer is not complete as more and more researches are being done.,
Kudos to the doctors, scientist and all the researchers in the world.
The truth however, is that the collective wisdom of all of them pales in comparison with the mystery of God's wisdom.
God's wisdom is hidden and only those who want to know it will know it. Only those who accept the mystery as fact of life would see it.
I have a simple way for us to understand the mystery of God, God\'s Vision, Intent and Purpose. - VIP. Only those who align themselves with God's vision, intent and purpose will find it.
Coming out of COVID, God desires that we will not forget what happened in COVID period, no matter what are belief as to the cause of COVID-19
There was something invisible that God desires for us to know.
And that is the mystery of life, all things that pertain to life, godliness, health, wealth, is hidden is hidden in God's VIP
VIP is the Winning Mindset of the 21st Century. VIP is the New Wealth.