May is Mental Health Awareness month but being aware one month out of the year just isn't enough for the Black Community. We are 20% more likely to have serious psychological distress than the other race. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among us for ages 15-24. Our men are 4 times more likely to die by suicide than our women. To add, those of us who need mental health treatment and get it is only half of the other race, not much. (
This episode does have a part 1 and part 2.
In this episode, my guest and friend Jamall and I open up about our battle with mental health on a day to day basis. From the moment we realize we had depression and to seeking help to continue on, Jamall and I reveal some of ourselves to open up a non-judgmental stage for everyone else. If you feel that you are in a mental crisis please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Jamall has started his movement BLK MTTR dedicated for those who are going through mental health. Be sure to check his instagram @blkmttrmvmt
My instagram is as followed:
1. Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
I have experience with this personally. Someone was there quickly and stayed on the line with me for a long time. This is one of the most quickest ways to seek help and have someone to hear you speak.
2. Therapist & EAP - I am putting this together even though I said them separately on the podcast. EAP is employee assistance program. I was able to get 8 free sessions with a therapist through my jobs EAP. It was quick and easy for me to do. I cannot guarantee that your job will have this but its worth looking into especially if a few sessions is at no cost to you. If not, Google is helpful. Search for therapist in your area and like Jamall mentions, go through them until you find the RIGHT one for You.
3. Psychology Today - Not in the episode but is a good way to find therapist in your area. You will be able to see the cost, location, read a bio, see some of their credentials, etc. Personally using this site for a new therapist.
4. Coping Exercises - I have a document of these I am willing to share with you. Reach out. It's ways to help calm your anxiety.
5. Reaching out to Jamall or me - We are here to help as much as we can. We are not licensed therapist by far but we do know the struggle to move on day to day. If you need someone to relate to, reach out. If you need someone to just listen, reach out.
There are many more resources but these are the first to come to mind. I truly appreciate your support. Please do not hesitate to reach out.