Introduction: Tim Pouring ’21, La Plata, Maryland.
“If” by Rudyard Kipling, performed by Nolan LaVoie, Woodberry Forest, Virginia.
“If” by Rudyard Kipling, performed by Griffin Warlow ’23, Orlando, Florida.
“Second Life” by David Whyte, performed by Ansel Sanders, Woodberry Forest.
“The Worm” by Ralph Bergengren, performed by Walker Sanders, Woodberry Forest.
“The Conqueror Worm” by Edgar Allen Poe, performed by Jacob Foster ’99, Santa Monica, California.
“A Dog is a Dog” by T.S. Eliot, performed by William Andrews ’23, Alexandria, Virginia.
“The Quality of Mercy” from The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, performed by Paul Huber, Woodberry Forest.
“Anthem for a Doomed Youth” by A.E. Houseman, performed by Taylor Myers ’23, Inverkeithing, Scotland.
“Progressive Health” by Carl Dennis, performed by Zeke Smith, Charlottesville, Virginia.
“Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” by Patrick Henry, performed by Gregory Harris ’23, Atlanta, Georgia.
“Agnes” from She Kills Monsters by Qui Nguyen, performed by Anna Grey Hogan ’14, St. George, Virginia.
“Cry Havoc!” from Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, performed by Stanley Kim ’23, Seoul, South Korea.
“It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue” by Bob Dylan, performed by Hugh Wiley ’23, Orange, Virginia.
“To Be or Not to Be” from Hamlet by William Shakespeare, performed by Tim Pouring ’21, La Plata, Maryland.
“Wake Up, Wake Up” from The Jack and Jill Plays by Adam Szymkowicz, performed by Alex Cirves ’06, Chicago, Illinois.
“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost, performed by Brent Cirves, Woodberry Forest.
“A Boy’s Prayer” by William De Witt Hyde, performed by Byron Hulsey, Woodberry Forest.