In Pursuit of Freedom with Stephanie Kosonen
Saturday, July 22nd, 2023
Thank you for tuning in!
The knowledge of how to attain and maintain Freedom starts in the home, these principles and values are supposed to be passed to us by our parents and guardians. Sadly, this is not always the case and the primary reason as to why is simple.
It is the lack of attention and education parents actually give their children. There are no good excuses for abandoning your children to be brainwashed by the state.
The school system is a Government Indoctrination Machine, churning out our kids to be good children for the rest of their lives. You read that right, PERPETUAL CHILDHOOD!THIS IS A VERY REAL AND DANGEROUS PROBLEM.
But we have solutions. There is always a solution.
Joining me to discuss the importance of stepping up to the plate and doing right by your children is Stephanie Kosonen.
Stephanie Kosonen is a Mother, Homeschool Advocate, Freedom Fighter and an Inspirational Person who gave up on quitting long ago. She has made big plans for the future by setting up "Freedom Labs", a one stop shop for parents to gain the confidence they'll need as they embark on the adventure of homeschooling their children.
To sign up to Freedom Labs, please visit:
To find Stephanie on social media, visit her Twitter:
Featured tonight:
The Six Purposes of Schooling presented by John Taylor Gatto
Watch the entire Ultimate History Lesson here:
Download the FREE PDF of "An Underground History of American Education" by John Taylor Gatto here:
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