Voracious Podcast hosted by Keval Vora is an entertainment podcast. Keval Vora is an actor and a writer.
The Guest: Nimesh Patel is a comedian. He has worked in this industry for more than 11 years. He has written on Saturday Night Live, The 2016 Academy Awards and has recently released his animated show 'Zooidiots'.
In this episode we spoke about his work and how it's done at SNL, Oscars, Chappelle Summer Camp and Standup.
I hope you enjoy this podcast.
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Follow Keval : https://www.instagram.com/kevalvorahere and https://www.twitter.com/kevalvorahere
Follow Nimesh Patel : https://www.instagram.com/findingnimesh/
You can see his new material at Patel2020.com
Intro Music by Shaival Davda :https://www.instagram.com/shaivaldavda/