I’ve spent the 1st 4 years of my career in a sales. As I transition to customer success, I want to share my top x sales tips:
1. Be interested over interesting
2. If your prospect has ever been on a podcast and you don’t google to check before the call, you are being lazy.
3. If they have written a book and you do not buy it… that’s weak.
4. After clarifying next steps on a call, end it relationally.
6. Ask one more question.
7. You can’t work smarter if you’re not smart yet.
8. Don’t let the highs be too high or the lows be too low.
10. Ruthlessly disqualify people. You know deep down if there is actually a chance of they will buy.
11. Don’t burn bridges… people come back around.
12. If you’re 22 and you don’t know what you want to do when you grow up… try to start with something that has a high chance of reaching you transferable skills.
Want to know the path that will 100% give you transferable skills?? Sales. Why?
Even if you’re not “in sales,” you’re in sales.