It has been pretty widely noted that Democrat-run states have left a bad taste in the peoples mouths who have had to endure the totalitarian policies in states such as New York, California and pretty much all of the New England states. While some have vowed to stay in their respected districts out of optimism or inconvenience, others have decided to grab all of their belongings and move to Red states such as Texas and Florida. One of the optimistic city dwellers in the state of California, Bruce Jenner, has made it very public that he will be challenging Gov. of California, Gavin Newsome, for replacing him. This will be a historic election, if Jenner gets elected, he will be the first "female" governor in California's history. While things are getting heated on the west coast, things are getting tyrannical in the Mid-west as Governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer has issued an executive order to mask-up toddlers.
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