Wayward Weekly Episode 12 – Judge Not Lest Ye Begrudge
This week on Wayward Weekly, Paul and Bob discuss an article that may help us understand people who behavior differently than us. Those damn vegetarians think they are better than us!!! Or do they? Does the left think they are better than the right? do religious people think they're better than those who are not? What happens when we think, "They think they're better than us!" It's not good, thats for sure, but you'll have to read the article or listen to this week's episode of Wayward Weekly to find out. You don't want to read do you?...
Outro - Sleepy Valley: Night Moth
Article: Minson, J.A., and Monin, B. (2012). Do-Gooder Derogation Disparaging Morally Motivated Minorities to Defuse Anticipated Reproach.
https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/1cbf/b95c072c5c36665e306678e68375f15e21b1.pdf?_ga=2.152867833.1598798553.1593746894-620006387.1593746894 (https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/1cbf/b95c072c5c36665e306678e68375f15e21b1.pdf?_ga=2.152867833.1598798553.1593746894-620006387.1593746894)