This week the boys are joined by a filthy casual named Chris Sato (His favorite album is Picaresque. Gross.) Despite his lack of devotion to Portland's favorite five-piece, he and Matt did go see the Decembies on their recent tour stop in Chicago. Did they like the show? You'll have to listen to find out.
You'll also discover what Modest Mouse fans think of Death Cab for Cutie, how Matt feels about Moulin Rouge! (as if you didn't already know), and probably something about Pete. Also, you know they hit Chris with that famous battery of first-time-guest-questions.
ALSO also, as we're not really used to having guests that have stuff to plug, we forgot to ask Chris to mention his VERY GOOD documentary webseries that he shoots/directs/produces every October. It's called Days of the Living Dead. It's on youtube. Watch it if you like haunted houses or things that are awesome.