*Please note that WE TALK THEATRE is recorded with intent that listeners/viewers will watch the episodes on YouTube. During the episode, hosts will reference something "on the screen". Since you're streaming the episode with no video, use your imagination to what is being shown.*
We're baaaaack!
In today's episode of WE TALK THEATRE, Co-Hosts Seb Smee & Jack Marshall chat to Jessie Edmonds and Sam Lane from the cast of Hunter Drama's upcoming production of SEUSSICAL THE MUSICAL at the Civic Theatre! Seb, Jack, Jessie and Sam talk about everything from previous training to SEUSSICAL theories.
We've also got some super exclusive live performances from the cast of SEUSSICAL THE MUSICAL at the end of the episode. so stay tuned for that!
Theme music - 'Overture', Seussical The Musical
SEUSSICAL tickets - https://civictheatrenewcastle.com.au/what-s-on/all-shows/seussical-the-musical
Hunter Drama - https://hunterdrama.com.au/
The Voice Studio - http://thevoicestudio.com.au/
SHE KILLS MONSTERS Tickets - https://civictheatrenewcastle.com.au/what-s-on/all-shows/she-kills-monsters
ELF JR. Tickets - https://events.humanitix.com/elf-the-musical-jr
To keep up to date with WTT, follow our socials:
WTT Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wetalktheatre/
WTT Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/WeTalkTheatre/
WTT Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/wetalktheatre
Follow everybody featured in this episode:
Seb's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sbsmee/
Jack's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jckmarshall/
Jessie's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jessieedmondz/
Sam's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/samlane224/
Nyah's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nnnnnyah/