Welcome to We-Talk Wednesday!
In this episode, the gang invites Sam Morris, a long-time friend, and animator, to talk on the show! If you're interested in learning what animation takes or just interested in animation in general you'll definitely love this episode!
Also, make sure to watch the pilot for Sam's new show 'Rogue Theatre' when it premieres on youtube! And make sure to subscribe to his youtube channel for more of his amazing content!
Sam's Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCed87Ytj-SYxOo79_QEGMzg
Wanna listen on the go? Download We-Talk Wednesday on any of the following platforms!
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/69xCZ6gNvefh5e4rm0rYOq
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/we-talk-wednesday/id1564613831
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.ca/podcasts/ecb8a6a3-e91c-4833-9e6a-0a2e1171135e/WeTalk-Wednesday
Edited by MackEZ