What's up #JetsNation
The Recon Missions series continues as CJ and Kevin host Kevin Robbins, co-host of both "The Live Rounds Podcast" on Facebook live and "The Jets Guru Podcast", and Marc Saulino, CEO/Owner/Operator of StatementGames.com to talk about the following topics...
-The Logan Ryan situation; Will he or won't he sign with the NYJets?
-Logan Ryan v Larry Warford; who would you sign if you were JD?
-The rash of recent arrests of NFL Players has been utterly ridiculous lately; Thoughts on what is contributing to all this madness.
-Plus, Kevin Jackson's "In The Spotlight" segment featuring Jets 4th rd pick, Cameron Clark
and, Marc Saulino has an amazing tournament going on right now that ends on 5/31 with $1,000 going to the winner- and ONLY for Weapons Hot Listeners!! Details at the end of the show!!!
So, put the kids to bed, make some popcorn, and strap in as we get ready to go WEAPONS HOT!!!! GO JETS!!!!!